Supportive Housing Services

Since 1992, Model Cities has provided Supportive Housing Services to homeless families experiencing numerous barriers to housing including multiple episodes of homelessness, mental health illnesses, chemical dependencies and domestic violence. In addition to having a safe and stable place to live and raise their children, families residing at one of our five supportive housing sites also receive intensive case management services. These services consist of ongoing assessment of needs and barriers, follow-up and support around accessing appropriate services, and life skills development


From the initial intake and throughout the program, Model Cities uses a holistic approach to intensive case management services that include the entire family. All coordinated services are designed to strengthen and stabilize the family unit in a way that creates a strong working relationship between staff and the families. Supportive services include:

  • Early and ongoing health including primary care referrals
  • Family support and referrals for mental health services
  • Referrals for chemical health support and aftercare
  • Parenting support and engagement
  • Independent living skills
  • Work readiness/career planning
  • Financial literacy services


With these care management services, Model Cities’ Supportive Housing Services contributes to reducing the negative effects that homelessness has on children and families.


All referrals for Supportive Housing Services must be made by Ramsey County Coordinated Entry. For more information, please call United Way First Call for Help at 2-1-1 or by cell phone at 651-291-0211.


Community Services
(651) 632-8350