Upcoming Protests at the Capitol Building and Grounds

Model Cities wants to make all residents aware that there may be demonstrations and protestors at the Capitol over the next week related to the Presidential Inauguration on Wednesday, January 20th.  The State of Minnesota is planning to have a National Guard presence around the Capitol area. We are not expecting any spillage of illegal or violent activities along University Avenue or in the Frogtown neighborhood, however we will be closely monitoring the activities over the days leading up to and after the Inauguration.


Model Cities will remain in communication via text or email if we are alerted to any suspicious activities in the neighborhood.  Model Cities will work with local officials to keep all residents and buildings safe.


Model Cities values the safety of our residents, businesses, patrons, staff, and community. We are taking every precaution to ensure your safety. We ask that if you see, hear or witness any suspicious activity please contact local authorities. For non-threating concerns call non-emergency at 651.291.1111, and if it is an immediate threat please call 9-1-1.


If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call Dean at 651.332.8821 or his cell phone at 651.272.0849.


Dean Carlson

Director of Community Development

Model Cities of St. Paul


Capitol Grounds 1.20.2021